sábado, novembro 28, 2015


Depois de uma tarde a escutar 3 intervenções excelentes, cujos resumos se seguem abaixo, das quais retiro apenas uma interrogação generalizada – qual o significado de a grande maioria das câmaras funerárias das antas Portuguesas serem constituídas por sete esteios -, fomos pensar em todas as dúvidas com que nos confrontaram pois a temática formava-se no domínio da pré-história entre os quarto e terceiro milénios AC, e o dia encerrou-se entre o nascer da Lua a nascente em oposição a um raro e forte pôr do Sol alaranjado de Novembro.

Victor S. Gonçalves (vsg@campus.ul.pt); Ana Catarina Sousa Center of Archaeology of the University of Lisbon (UNIARQ) - Portugal.
Schist and granite in the Meqalithism of Reguengos de Monsaraz (Évora, Portugal). A social question?

In the plain of Reguengos de Monsaraz at least 136 dolmens were built with granite slabs. This was a cumulative process that began in the middle of the 4th millennium and extended to the beginning of the 3rd millennium BCE.
The concentration of dolmens in Reguengos de Monsaraz coincides with the zone of granodiorites ridged by the Ribeira do Álamo, a tributary of the Guadiana River.
With the advent of archaeometalurgic societies in the beginning of the 3rd millennium BCE, the granite territory witnessed new ways of use: remodelled dolmens and tholoi built into the mound of dolmens.
The main raw material used for the construction of tholoi was schist that was located in an area around 10 km upstream of the megalithic concentration. However, it is in the granite bedrock that the tholoi arise in association with the dolmens: ecological determinism or cultural choices?
The polysemy of Megalithism is especially visible in the Iberian Península, but also arises in other áreas of Europe. In the South of the Península, the existence of hybrid monuments, in a fusion of megaliths, is particularly important.
The question of raw materiais and architectures will be discussed through the large megalithic complex of granite and schist in Reguengos de Monsaraz: Olival da Pega 2, Cebolinhos 2, Comenda and Farisoa, but also with the extraordinary situation of Santa Margarida 3 (STAM-3).

António Carlos Valera (antoniovalera@era-arqueologia.pt) NIA-Era Arqueologia; ICArEHB - Portugal
Funerary architectures and practices at Perdigões enclosure: updating the available data.

In this paper it will be presented and discussed the available data for Perdigões ditched enclosures (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Évora) regarding the funerary architectures and practices and body manipulations, between the Late Neolithic (2nd half of the 4th millennium BC) and the Late Chalcolithic (Third quarter of the 3rd millennium BC). Diversity will be stressed and the implications of the funerary contexts will be debated.

Manuel Calado (caladomanuel@gmail.com) Fine Arts Faculty, University of Lisbon - Portugal
Megaliths and rock art in Alentejo: A view from the Amazones.

It is intended to discuss other possible interpretations regarding Alentejo megaliths namely how they related with materiality by using Amerindian cosmologies in general and from the area of the Amazones in particular.
Anthropomorphism, animism and perspectivism are some of the structuring concepts for this approach




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